Thank you for your interest in the Framework Dowsing Courses area of our website.
One of the core aims of Framework Dowsing is to offer as much unpadded information as possible. As well as course materials on the website we have a number of workshops based in Leicester. We also offer talks and training around the UK. Please read through the rest of the page and use the contact form if any questions spring to mind.
Below is a summary of the structure of information on the website
Dowsing Course Level 1
- information in the Dowsing Classes area of the Framework Dowsing website
- free e book to download ‘Improving Dowsing Accuracy’. Click on the picture link below for your download
The ‘Improving Dowsing Accuracy’ E Book includes sections on preparing to dowse, pendulum tips, personal development, question structures and creating your own dowsing frameworks. This is available on the Welcome page.
Level 2 Framework Dowsing
‘High Level Dowsing’
You will find it useful to look through the Dowsing for Health pages of the website where there is a working example of a Dowsing Framework. We use the information on these pages in the ‘High Level Dowsing’ Module 2
Level 2 – Module 1
Using Framework Dowsing Techniques
- Getting your dowsing process in place
- The Framework Dowsing Process
- Calm the physical
- Creating your Dowsing Framework
- Question Structures
- Clear precise dowsing
- Summary
Level 2 – Module 2
High Level Dowsing
- What is High Level Dowsing?
- Statements and acknowledgements
- Questions to link in with your Dowsing Framework
- Summary
- Aide memoires
Level 3 Dowsing Courses
Due to the restrictions imposed by WHO et al we now offer 1:1 Skype tutorials. The basis for these are the Level 3.4 Course materials. Please not that all courses are tailored to the individual.
You can now request our Framework Dowsing Course 3.4 information.
This resource provides a summary of information which runs alongside 1:1 on line tutorials (usually via Skype)
6 x 1 hour tutorials £600 paid in 3 installments
1st payment £200 after the first session – if you wish to continue
Please complete the contact form so we can chat. We can then decide together whether to start with the first session.
Framework Dowsing Workshops and Bespoke Sessions 2020
Due to the restrictions imposed by WHO et al we now offer 1:1 Skype tutorials. The basis for these are the Level 3.4 Course materials. Please not that all courses are tailored to the individual.
Intense, no waffle workshops. There is so much information for us to share and ……..we have a low boredom threshold when people use padding to talk to us. There are many interesting things to do in this life and we do not want to waste your time or ours. We use brain friendly learning techniques and serve information in various formats to honour differing learning styles.
You will receive a pre workshop questionnaire so that materials can be tailored to your expectations and knowledge base. Each course summary is therefore an outline of what is available. Please cherry pick subject areas so that we can adapt and hone a 1 day workshop to your requirements. Bespoke workshops are our speciality.
Costs vary but generally our 1 day sessions are around £500. They are based in Leicester city within walking distance of the railway station.
You are welcome to bring 1 friend/colleague.
We are not currently providing Level 1 or Level 2 Dowsing Courses
Apologies for any disappointment caused
Level 1 Dowsing Course
Pendulum Dowsing with Confidence
We will be discussing various types of dowsing instrumentation but the main focus will be on using a pendulum. Different tips and techniques will be discussed and demonstrated. This workshop also encourages dowsing to our highest level and the expansion of consciousness. It goes without saying that Framework Dowsing techniques will form an integral part of the session.
- Dowsing instruments including body dowsing
- Pendulum tips for quick responses and accuracy
- Source of dowsing information
- Creating Frameworks
- Question structures
- The Framework Dowsing process
Level 2 Dowsing Course
Clear Accurate Dowsing
Achieving accuracy and confidence in your dowsing.
How to avoid the ‘lust for success’ and bypass emotional baggage.
Your Frameworks, interlinked with concise question structures will form the back bone of the dowsing process.
- The brain, sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems
- Balancing the physical – internal and external poise
- Tips for when it is difficult to dowse
- Detachment and quietening the ego
- Pre dowsing statements and requests
- Working through an analysis – the importance of the Case History
- The flexibility and scope of the Framework Dowsing process
Level 3 Dowsing and MultiTreat Courses
3.1 Creating Your Dowsing Frameworks
An intense day workshop where you will be reviewing the materials and expertise within your ‘tool bag’. Working together we will explore ways of speeding up your dowsing process so saving time and energy. You can expect to leave with a main analysis worksheet and an outline for the development of its various branches and avenues.
There will be opportunities to incorporate additional protocols and ideas during the day.
3.2 Framework Dowsing for Practitioners
This workshop is aimed at practitioners or those who have a deep understanding of their subject.
Some of the areas included are
- History of Radionics and speed of using MT
- Analyses and permissions
- Are you a high level dowser?
- When and how to dowse
- Frameworks
- The Numerical Identifications …. NIds
3.4 MultiTreat 7 – The Radionic Computer program for Distance Healing
This dowsing course covers: completing an analysis using dowsing; recording the information; setting up MT 7; input of data into MT7; using the Treatment Editor and logging files.
For individuals/therapists new to Framework Dowsing or MT 7 looking to supplement their practice skills – Use of Framework Dowsing analysis sheets.
This SlideShare is an introduction to the Subtle Bodies which is part of our Level 3 course material
Level 4 Dowsing and MultiTreat Courses
4.1 Framework Dowsing – A Structured Organising Process for the Evolving Practitioner
This workshop will be approaching the main areas of a Framework Dowsing Analysis and treatment …… with a difference.
We will be throwing out anomalies of ‘healing’ information which are banded about and taken as fact. Be prepared to let go of overused and outdated phrases.
Conditions – As well as focusing on Diatheses we will be studying how each of the conditions can form part of the entropy cycle and how individuals can be predisposed to certain dis-eases or imbalances in physiology.
From blue prints and transducers to dysphorias and dysplasias…….
Structured Organising Energy Fields – the various physiological states and their aspects. Correcting body systems after illness or as a preventative measure. Supporting creative and release forces for optimum cellular function.
There will be an expectation that you create your own coherent system. This will represent your understanding of the techniques that you use.
Thank you for your interest in Framework Dowsing Courses
Email [email protected] or complete the contact form below
to arrange a workshop or for more information.
Please include a Subject Title! It helps us to know what your enquiry is about.