
Dowsing for Health Conditions

Radionic Treatment of Conditions

This is the first section of the Framework Dowsing Analysis Sheet.  It is part of the Dowsing for Health area of the website which outlines the main sections of the Framework Dowsing analysis for a Radionic Treatment.

A Condition is a defective state of health causing discomfort or grating of the senses either physically, emotionally or mentally.  Here we are looking at the Radionic treatment of toxins.  The easing of the symptoms of dis-ease for a person or target that is being treated.

There can be numerous causes for the expression of a set of symptoms.  It is the practitioner’s responsibility to determine how to alleviate discomfort and suffering in the most appropriate way.

The Framework Dowsing Conditions are used, when indicated, during the Radionic analysis.  Apart from the Recognised Conditions (of which there are very few) all are specified by their own unique number or Numerical IDentification (NID).

The conditions are divided into 6 main categories and are an important section in the Dowsing for Health Main Analysis Framework.


Apart from the Recognised conditions all are identified by their own unique number.
This is called a RECOGNITION RATE or a RECOGNITION Numerical IDentification.
Each Condition has its corresponding TREATMENT RATE.
Some Treatment Rates are used for a number of different Conditions.
The Treatment Rate Framework exists as a separate list.

Framework Layouts: Dowsing for Toxins

Each Condition and its Treatment Rate is listed with ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. This may include:

  • The elemental pattern, enzyme pattern or remedy associated with the Treatment Rate
  • An enzyme pattern will have its corresponding Ray (R)energy listed¹ – not shown in the example
  • Any additional notes which may be useful to the practitioner
  • The date when the condition was first plotted and used – post 1989
  • Frequency of use record
Radionic treatment example

 Using the 6 Conditions in a Radionic Treatment

Each condition is treated at the subtle level indicated by your analysis.

Each condition’s treatment time and the number of day’s treatment are ascertained as part of the analysis. This information is entered into the MultiTreat© program or Radionic instrumentation, alongside the Treatment Rate.

Viruses are not recognised by the Framework Dowsing analysis and treatment protocols².

The 6 Conditions


There are very few actual Recognised Condition rates.  The Recognised Condition Framework is extensive but the majority are listed as ‘Non Specific Treatment’ (NST).  Most Recognised condition names merely describe the symptoms.

A condition recognised by allopathic medicine is generally a combination of a number of conditions plus imbalances of biochemical under/over activity.  They are unable in most cases to isolate and alleviate the cause.

It is unwise to presume that there is a single Treatment Rate for Rheumatism, Gout, Appendicitis, Impetigo, Tonsillitis, Pelvic Inflammatory Disease etc, etc. These symptoms are caused by different biochemical imbalances and conditions from person to person.  There are numerous named diseases which are not acknowledged by the Framework Dowsing For Health Technique.  For example, there could be a multitude of precursors within the metabolism of an individual for the condition of Arthritis to be displayed.  And one person’s manifestation of these symptoms can have a very different underlying picture to the next person with the same symptoms.

We do not currently provide a Recognised Condition Framework.  Framework Dowsing Students are encouraged to use a Medical Dictionary. 

Bear in mind that many illnesses have Latin names which are in effect a description of the symptoms. Dermatitis – ‘derma’ referring to the skin and ‘itis’ word element meaning inflammation. The name is a description of the symptoms not a true label of a disease pattern. List which includes some recognised conditions


The word Diathesis is derived from a Greek term meaning a tendency or vulnerability to an illness or imbalance.  this ‘weakness’ could originate from hereditary factors.  A hole or block in the energetic blueprint for the physical body.  The source of a Diathesis can also be from psychological or emotional responses or acquired from situational circumstances etc.  See Levels and Aspects
As with all the other conditions Diatheses can be in the inheritance pattern and expressed by the physical, emotional or mental when stresses or circumstances prevail.

example layout Diathesis framework

The sample below shows a range of 12 Diatheses.
They are grouped according to their initial number.

The condition is isolated during the analysis using the RECOGNITION rate. The TREATMENT rate is input into Radionic instrumentation or the MultiTreat© software.

Currently there are 20 Diatheses commencing with the number 7.
DIATHESES – Total number in group 180 +

A Diatheses framework can be downloaded by using the following link.


example layout Zymoids framework

A Zymoid is a poison from decaying material which is usually the result of a problem in the metabolism. The body is in a continual process of growth and decay. If there is a problem in the elimination of waste materials from the metabolism and the break down of cell matter, an accumulation can lead to a toxic condition which we acknowledge and treat as a Zymoid.
Zymoids are precursors to bacterial infections. The prescribing of antibiotics is often treating the third or fourth stage in a sequence where the metabolism is failing to clear and cleanse a particular system within the body.

In this example of the Zymoid Framework we have also shown the DATE and FREQUENCY fields. The ADDITIONAL INFORMATION field includes a suggested elemental and/or enzyme pattern for the Treatment rate.

Once again the RECOGNITION rate is used during the analysis to pin point the TREATMENT rate for broadcast to the client/target.

Note both of these on the Treatment Record Sheet


Example layout of Zymotic conditions framework

A Zymosis – or Zymotic condition is a type of fermentation. An interference in the ability to assimilate and utilise is therefor interrupted or deranged.  See Stages 11 – 15 of the Somatid Cycle.  Candida albicans – as mentioned within the Recognised conditions is an example of a Zymosis.  Zymotic conditions may also be expressed as part of a more complex pattern of other Conditions.

In the example above, the last item 89910.854 notes that it was previously an Allergy. This condition remains also within the ALLERGIES framework. For accuracy it has been included within its appropriate Condition type Framework – the Zymoses.

The last GROUP within each set includes empty fields. This allows for new items to be added. Either by the practitioner, or as posted on the Framework Dowsing Telegram Channel.


Example layout of Unidentified conditions framework

These are a large group of conditions which as yet remain without a specific title. They were prolifically used for treating clients within the 1980s and 1990s but their frequency of indication has since fallen dramatically.

This example shows the large number of times some of the Unidentified conditions have been called upon for treatment.

UNIDENTIFIED CONDITIONS Total number in group 400+


This family of the conditions remain grouped together for convenience of providing feedback to a client. They are more accurately labelled within the Numerical Identification lists as coming under the groups mentioned above.

An abnormally high sensitivity to certain substances, such as pollens, foods, or microorganisms

radionic treatment allergies

 Allergies are listed separately as well as within their respective condition groups. This allows the practitioner to isolate triggers to a symptomatic response. Note that we are capable of treating at the various organising energy levels so Allergies may be at Emotional or Mental etc. levels.  The Allergies list has been maintained to allow for quicker analyses and a clearer understanding of the client/target’s treatment path.

An imbalance within the biochemistry leads to an allergic reaction whether it is to an external substance or auto immune malfunction.

The Allergies Framework contains additional notes, comments and cross references. These are currently also being listed within their more specific categories.


All conditions can be treated at and beyond the Physical levels.

The Six Conditions are an important section of the Framework Dowsing Analysis and have been used within each of these areas

  • Clients
  • Pets and livestock
  • Horticulture
  • Homes and living/working areas
  • Places and spaces
  • Clearing pests

1 Alice Bailey, Lucis Trust Alice Bailey’s ‘The Seven Rays of Life’

2 Dr Stephan Lanka

radionic treatment - childhood conditions

There are 3 fields of work and research which are important regarding the Framework Dowsing Conditions and the Framework Dowsing Analysis.

German New Medicine and the work of Dr R G Harmer

2 Gaston Naessens – including his discoveries of the Somatid Cycle

Antoine Béchamp – Microzymian Theory

We urge people to

  • be open minded to new concepts which stand apart from the ‘Cell’ and ‘Germ’ theories which are taken as scientifically proved.
  • follow the links provided above to these pioneers who have been largely ignored and/or hounded for their research
  • incorporate The Framework Dowsing ‘Conditions’ into your analyses straight away.
  • Research as you work.  It is often the best way to learn.


The next page to visit is the Locations page of the Dowsing for Health section of the website >

Thank you for your interest in Framework Dowsing and The Six Conditions.
We hope that the information provides more clarity and focus for the Radionic treatment of toxins in various analysis situations.

If what you read here resonates and you would like further information, please get in touch.
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