Training and Treatments

cropped-framework-dowsing-1.jpgWe are now able to offer remote healing, absent healing or as some people called it ‘Radionic’ treatments through this website.

Please send a brief e mail telling us of your problem or concern, how long you have had it, and what you are wanting from this treatment.  We can then let you know if we are able to take you on to our books.
There will be a telephone number on the form you receive from us and if we feel that we can help you, we will invite you to ring us for a very short chat if you wish to proceed.  When we have all agreed that we are happy about the process then will be the time to go ahead with the payment agreed with you. You will see our prices on the website but please do not send any money until you and ourselves are both happy with the agreement between us.
This approach is so useful as many years ago one of the first problems I was presented with was a lady from Kent who suffered from agoraphobia. I am based in the Midlands.  Apart from it being virtually impossible for her to come to me, she saved money and I saved time because I did not need to travel to her.  The remote treatment suited her so well.  One day after I had opened a consulting room in London she was able to come to see me.  Brilliant day!
This is the first time that we have ever advertised as we have always obtained our patients by word of mouth. Our new website has given us the opportunity to reach more people worldwide.


health dowsing radionic treatmentsFramework Dowsing Courses

Our Level 3 Dowsing for Health Courses are available as workshops within the UK

We are currently developing these to download formats.
The Framework Dowsing analysis process is an 8 hour training outline.  This can be divided between Skype/FaceTime sessions, on-line material and or workshop/s based in Leicester city UK.
Those interested in working with a Framework Dowsing practitioner to learn the outline of an analysis and treatment process – Contact us using the form below.

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)


    Your Message

    For more information please go to the Dowsing Courses area of the website.